Monday, May 01, 2006

Something New

Well, I've been putting up a new blog here about every five days it seems. Nothing really new or exciting. Healing from my surgery, no new news about graduating, nothing going on a school or work. I did go and see David Sedaris last night with Steve and Kevin. It was good times. Mr. Sedaris is a master of making everyday an adventure and bringing out the humor of any little thing. Sarcasm and exaggeration are his greatest allies in the war on winning laughs. I'm really excited about a new movie coming out tomorrow. It is by David Attenborough and it is all about insects.... Yes, I am a nerd. Kevin is coming over in the near future for a screening. Anyone else that may be interested is more then welcome to come over as well. Anyway, enough for now. I'm going to try and write some song lyrics soon. Maybe I'll post some, maybe I won't. Until next time...


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